Edgebrook Security Services

Neighbors, because of recent unauthorized activities at our park on Southern Colony Avenue, and at Obsidian Court, MUD #131 has contracted security services with Edgebrook Security Services.

Edgebrook security guards can be identified by their white shirts with the Edgebrook Security patch on the front of their shirts or jackets. They will be traveling in cars with a flashing yellow strobe light on top.

They are prepared to address local issues at both parks. Should the need arise, they will be in contact with the local Fort Bend County Sheriff’s department to provide information regarding ANY serious crime committed at the parks.

Meanwhile, let’s all do all that we can to keep our parks safe, free of theft and vandalism, and safe for each other. HAPPY HOLIDAYS and STAY SAFE!

Southern Colony Park is Closed for Renovations

Attention Residents:

The Southern Colony Park is closed for renovations – and currently off limits. This includes the basketball court!

Only the construction team is allowed in the park until further notice. No TRESPASSING! Violators will be prosecuted.”

– FBC MUD #131


Fire hydrants and water mains are routinely flushed in the district. The purpose of flushing is to reduce discolored water and to improve the district’s overall water quality. Once flushing is complete, discolored water may persist for a short period of time – due to mineral sediment that’s flushed out of the system. The sediment comes from naturally occurring minerals, and in rare instances, could cause staining of clothing and some porous surfaces. When announced flushing is complete, please check the water before washing clothes.

If you have a water softener or inline filtration system in your home, you may need to valve off and bypass that unit during flushings. If you have any specific questions, please contact your manufacturer or installer for additional instructions. PLEASE BE AWARE that a failure to valve off or bypass these systems may result in the need to replace these filters earlier than normal.

After flushings, ALL residents are advised to flush their own homes as well (with softener or filtration valved off or bypassed). Use only the bathtub faucets to flush. Run bathtub faucets for 5 — 7 minutes. Also clean any faucet screen or debris that may have passed during the flushing process.

For additional concerns, contact the Operator’s Emergency Repair Office at (832) 490-1601.

Customer Service – 832-490-1600