FBCMUD 131 is government entity, overseen by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). It was formed as a tool to finance necessary construction and maintenance of water, sewer and storm drainage infrastructure with its boundaries.
FBCMUD 131 is governed by five board members who were elected by residents within the district. Each board member serves for four years. The board meets every-other month to manage and conduct the business of the district and these meetings are always open to the public, per Texas law. As is typically done, FBCMUD 131 contracts with consultants such as attorneys, engineers, bookkeepers, operators, and financial advisors to both guide and deliver the district’s operations and services.
FBCMUD 131 provides water, wastewater, and drainage infrastructure improvements for the district. In addition, FBCMUD 131 provides garbage collection services for the District.
The District was created by order of the TCEQ dated March 11, 2002. The District contains approximately 276.49 acres of land, is located entirely within Fort Bend County and entirely within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (“ETJ”) of the City of Alvin.
The District is located in southeast Fort Bend County, approximately 22 miles southwest of downtown Houston. The District is approximately two miles south of the intersection of Texas State Highway 6 and FM 521. The District is bordered by FM 521 on the west, which provides direct access for residents. All of the property is within Fort Bend County Independent School District (“FBISD”), and the Sienna Plantation Levee Improvement District (“SPLID”), and lies within the ETJ of the City of Alvin.